Source code, binaries and/or any other resources "com.levigo.util.swing.colorpicker" has been derived from or was inspired by Jeremy Wood's color picker. It is covered by the following license:

Source code, binaries and/or any other resources in the package labeled "com.bric" [now "com.levigo.util.swing.colorpicker"] are copyright (c) 2011 by Jeremy Wood. They are available under the Modified BSD license (see below).

Any resources not in the "com.bric" package may be subject to additional license terms and restrictions.

If you have any questions about this jar, the relevant licenses, the source code, etc., please contact

This jar is part of the "javagraphics" project, discussed here

[jadice document platform Version Dokumentation für Entwickler. Veröffentlicht: 2020-04-08]
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