Package com.levigo.util.swing.flextree

Interface Summary
DynamicTreeModule The DynamicTreeModule is like any other TreeModule, except that it is supplied with a per-node callback enabling it to inform the representation about asynchronous changes.
DynamicTreeModule.TreeCallback DynamicTreeModule.TreeCallbacks can be used by DynamicTreeModules to request refreshes of the tree in response to changes to domain data.
EditableTreeColumnProvider A TreeModule providing editable TreeTable columns.
TreeColumnProvider A TreeModule providing TreeTable columns.
TreeContentProvider Instances are able to provide content (that is, children) for a node in a FlexibleTree.
TreeContextMenuContributor implementors can contribute menu entries to be shown in context menus in a FlexibleTree.
TreeContributionContext An extended ContributionContext supplied to TreeContextMenuContributors.
TreeModule TreeModules implement features required to visualize some kind of information in tree form.
TreeSelectionHandler A fragment interface to be implemented by tree modules wishing to react on path selection and deselection.
TreeTipProvider A TreeModule fragment interface for modules which want to provide a tool-tip for certain nodes.

Class Summary
SelectionHandlerFeature A flextree feature used to provide node selection interactivity for nodes.
ToolTipFeature A flextree feature used to activate tooltips for a FlexibleTree.

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