Interface EditableTreeColumnProvider

All Superinterfaces:
TreeColumnProvider, TreeModule

public interface EditableTreeColumnProvider
extends TreeColumnProvider

A TreeModule providing editable TreeTable columns. This module aspect is only ever used by FlexibleTreeTables. The FlexibleTree simply ignores it.

Method Summary
 boolean isCellEditable(TreePath path, String columnID)
          Return whether the value for the cell defined by the given tree path and the given column ID is editable.
 void setValueAt(TreePath path, String id, Object newValue)
          Set the value for the cell defined by the given tree path and the given column ID.
Methods inherited from interface com.levigo.util.swing.flextree.TreeColumnProvider
getColumnClass, getColumnIDs, getColumnName, getValueAt

Method Detail


boolean isCellEditable(TreePath path,
                       String columnID)
Return whether the value for the cell defined by the given tree path and the given column ID is editable. Caveat: if more than one tree module provides edit capabilities for the cell at the column with the given ID and the given path, the first module to do so is tasked with the editing.


void setValueAt(TreePath path,
                String id,
                Object newValue)
Set the value for the cell defined by the given tree path and the given column ID. Caveat: if more than one tree module provides edit capabilities for the cell at the column with the given ID and the given path, the first module to do so is tasked with the editing.

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