Package com.levigo.util.swing.glazedlists

Interface Summary
SortableRenderer This interface is intended to be implemented by custom TableCellRenderers installed on the JTableHeader of a sortable JTable.

Class Summary
AutoCompleteSupport<E> This class AutoCompleteSupport.install(javax.swing.JComboBox, com.levigo.util.base.glazedlists.EventList)s support for filtering and autocompletion into a standard JComboBox.
AutoCompleteSupport.AutoCompleteCellEditor<E> This extension of DefaultCellEditor exists solely to provide a handle to the AutoCompleteSupport object that is providing autocompletion capabilities to the JComboBox.
EventComboBoxModel<E> A combo box model for displaying Glazed Lists in a combo box.
EventListModel<E> An EventListModel adapts an EventList to the ListModel interface making it appropriate for use with a JList.
EventSelectionModel<E> An EventSelectionModel is a class that performs two simulaneous services.
EventTableColumnModel<T extends TableColumn> A TableColumnModel that holds an EventList.
EventTableModel<E> A TableModel that holds an EventList.
GlazedListsSwing A factory for creating all sorts of objects to be used with Glazed Lists.
SearchEngineTextFieldMatcherEditor<E> A MatcherEditor that matches Objects that contain the filter text located within a JTextField.
TableComparatorChooser<E> A TableComparatorChooser is a tool that allows the user to sort a ListTable by clicking on the table's headers.
TextComponentMatcherEditor<E> A MatcherEditor that matches Objects that contain the filter text located within a Document.
UndoSupport<E> This class adapts the generic UndoRedoSupport provided by Glazed Lists for specific use with Swing's native UndoManager.

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