Package com.levigo.util.swing.action

Interface Summary
ActionCreationListener Instances of ActionCreationListener can be registered at DefaultActionFactory to receive informations or failure messages of actions creation process.
ActionFactory Basic interface for the action factory.
Command Basic interface for all commands.
CommandCreationListener Instances of CommandCreationListener can be registered at DefaultCommandFactory to receive informations or failure messages of command or command factory creation process.
CommandFactory Interface for the command factory.
ContextListener Interface for listeners who wish to be notified upon refreshes/changes of the Context they register with.
ContextualAction An Action associated with a Context.
GraphicsConfigurationValidateable In multi screen environments positioning of tooltips, popups and other graphics configuration dependent component functionalities do not work correctly caused by a VM bug.
MenuComponentCreationListener Instances of MenuComponentCreationListener can be registered at DefaultMenuComponentFactory to receive informations or failure messages of menu component creation process.
MenuComponentFactory Interface for the menu factory.
NamedActionFactory Enhanced interface of the action factory interface providing a specified factory name.
NamedCommandFactory Enhanced interface of the command factory interface providing a specified factory name.
NamedMenuComponentFactory Enhanced interface of the menu component factory interface providing a specified factory name.
Privileges Deprecated. dg: I guess this class is unused and can be removed.
SelfDescribingCommand SelfDescribingCommands are commands which are able to provide a name and a description for themselves.

Class Summary
AbstractContextCommand Abstract base class for context aware injected commands.
ActionCreationAdapter Just an adapter class of ActionCreationListener with empty methods.
ActionJCheckboxMenuItem It is the component of the menu which can be used by the actions, that have two states.
ActionJRadioMenuItem It is the component of the menu which can be used by the actions, that have two states.
ActionJToggleButton It is the component which can be used by the actions, that have two states.
BasicActionFactory BasicActionFactory provides base functionality for action factories
BasicCommandFactory BasicCommandFactory provides base functionality for command factories.
BasicMenuComponentFactory BasicMenuComponentFactory provides base functionality for menu component factories
CommandAction Super class for all actions.
CommandCreationAdapter Just an adapter class of CommandCreationListener with empty methods.
Context The Context is the class in the middle of the context model.
ContextUtils A collection of static utility methods used to deal with Contexts.
DefaultActionFactory Is implementation of the ActionFactory
DefaultCommandFactory The default implementation of the CommandFactory interface.
DefaultMenuComponentFactory Used by GUI components to create CommandAction-based toolbars, contextmenus and menus.
DelegateAction An Action which delegates the actual action to a delegate Action, but allows other properties of the action to be overridden.
DummyCommand A null command used to instantiate actions from the action factory when no command string for this action is provided in the properties file.
IconJMenuItem A menu item that is able to show or to suppress the appearance of an icon next to the menu text, although it is defined in the initializing action.
MenuComponentCreationAdapter Just an adapter class of MenuComponentCreationListener with empty methods.
NonUglyActionJToggleButton A styleable button.
PopupJToggleButton This class PopupJToggleButton is a NonUglyActionJToggleButton which is able to handle an attached popup menu.
TreeSelectionContextUpdater A TreeSelectionListenerwhich updates the given context whenever the tree selection changes.
VisibilityEnabledJCheckboxMenuItem A checkbox as menu item which is visible if and only if it is enabled.
VisibilityEnabledJMenuItem A menu item that is visible if and only if it is enabled.
VisibilityEnabledJRadioMenuItem A radio button as menu item which is visible if and only if it is enabled.

Enum Summary
Context.Ancestors Enum used to determine whether the aggregated view includes elements of ancestor (parent, grand-parent etc.) contexts.
Context.Children Enum used to determine whether the aggregated view includes elements of child contexts.

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