Interface ActionCreationListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
ActionCreationAdapter, DebugActionCreationFailureLogger

public interface ActionCreationListener

Instances of ActionCreationListener can be registered at DefaultActionFactory to receive informations or failure messages of actions creation process.

This mechanism can be used to forward these informations to application specific logging frameworks or to initiate certain failure handling.

Carolin Köhler
See Also:
DefaultActionFactory.addActionCreationListener(ActionCreationListener), DefaultActionFactory.removeActionCreationListener(ActionCreationListener), DefaultActionFactory.getActionCreationListener()

Method Summary
 void creationFailure(NamedActionFactory source, String message, String key, Throwable t)
          This method will be called if a failure occurred while action creation.
 void creationInformation(NamedActionFactory source, String message, String key)
          This method will be called when ever informational messages should be provided while an action creation.
 void creationWarning(NamedActionFactory source, String message, String key)
          This method will be called if something happens while action creation, which should be notified as a warning indicating a potential problem.

Method Detail


void creationFailure(NamedActionFactory source,
                     String message,
                     String key,
                     Throwable t)
This method will be called if a failure occurred while action creation.

source - The source object where the failure occurred.
message - A failure description
key - (optional) The key of the problematic action or null
t - (optional) the occurred Throwable or null


void creationWarning(NamedActionFactory source,
                     String message,
                     String key)
This method will be called if something happens while action creation, which should be notified as a warning indicating a potential problem.

source - The source object where the problem occurred.
message - A problem description
key - (optional) The key of the problematic action or null


void creationInformation(NamedActionFactory source,
                         String message,
                         String key)
This method will be called when ever informational messages should be provided while an action creation.

source - The source object which propagates the information.
message - A message
key - (optional) The key of the action or null

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