Package com.levigo.util.swing

Interface Summary
CollapsiblePane.JCollapsiblePaneContainer Tagging interface for containers in a JCollapsiblePane hierarchy who needs to be revalidated (invalidate/validate/repaint) when the pane is expanding or collapsing.
Painter<T> A painting delegate.

Class Summary
AbstractGeometryFrame Use AbstractGeometryFrame class as superclass for frames which provides services to read and save their location and size from a predefined preference store.
AbstractPropertyGeometryFrame This class is an enhanced version of its super class AbstractGeometryFrame.
ActionInterceptor An abstract class used to wrap and intercept actions.
ActionOnDoubleClick Utility class to wire up a JComponent with an Action so that the action is triggered whenever a multiple mouse-click is executed on the component.
ArrowIcon An icon painting a triangle as used by combo-box popup-buttons etc.
BorderIcon An Icon that is a composite of an Icon and a Border.
BubbleBorder A border looking somewhat like a text bubble from a comic strip.
ButtonRowLayout This Layout Manager could be used to comfotably layout button rows or similar containers.
CollapsiblePane JCollapsiblePane provides a component which can collapse or expand its content area with animation and fade in/fade out effects.
DropDownToggleButton A DropDownButton is intended to be used in a toolbar as multiple action button.
FadeablePane Document me.
FlipFlopCollapsiblePanel The FlipFlopCollapsiblePane is a special kind of collapsible pane which is not only titled, but toggles the title orientation so that it uses the least possible space when collapsed.
Hyperlink A button which looks vaguely hyperlinky without the hassles of an actual HTML-in-JTextComponent hyperlinks.
IconManager The IconManager manages a set of Icons.
JButtonGroup JButtonGroup is an useful enhanced version of its ancestor class ButtonGroup.
LevigoSeparators Deprecated. This class will be removed in future releases.
LevigoSeparators.AbstractLineSeparator An abstract superclass for all separator implementations around here.
LevigoSeparators.BlueLineSeparator Draws a blue line filling the available space.
LevigoSeparators.DoubleLineSeparator Draws a double line filling the available space.
LevigoSeparators.SingleLineSeparator Draws a single line filling the available space.
NonUglyActionButton An FCMS style button.
Paths A collection of utility methods related to Path2Ds and GeneralPaths.
PendingOperations Keep track of pending operations that might inhibit the shutdown of a component or the shutdown of the whole application.
PopupButton A halfway decent implementation of a popup button.
PopupMenuLauncher An abstract base class for the convenient implementation of popup menu launchers.
Rectangles A few utility methods related to Rectangles, Rectangle2Ds and RectangularShapes.
RolloutBorder A Border used for rollout components within an EffectPanel.
RotatedIcon Delegating icon implementation which allows to rotate the rendering of the nested icon.
SlickBevelBorder A 1-line bevel border.
SplitButton A halfway decent implementation of a split button.
SwingWorker This is the 3rd version of SwingWorker (also known as SwingWorker 3), an abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread.
SwingWorkerAdapter Abstract class to redirect a task to event dispatch queue.
TGASwingUtil A ThreadGroupAware replacement for SwingUtilities.invokeLater(), SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait() and SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() considering the correct EventQueue to use in environments where more than one EventQueue may occur, such as in Applets and WebStart.
TransformerPanel Container which can transform its children, for example:

Enum Summary
CollapsiblePane.Style Enum for possible options regarding the strategy how a shrunken collapsible pane lays out its contents.

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