Package com.levigo.util.base.glazedlists

Interface Summary
CollectionList.Model<E,S> Provides the logic to map a parent object (e.g.
DisposableMap<K,V> A special kind of Map backed by an EventList that is expected to live longer than this Map.
EventList<E> An observable List.
Filterator<C,E> An interface for extracting a list of values to be considered by a Matcher when matching a particular element of a list.
FunctionList.AdvancedFunction<A,B> An AdvancedFunction is an extension of the simple Function interface which provides more hooks in the lifecycle of the transformation of a source element.
FunctionList.Function<A,B> A Function encapsulates the logic for transforming a list element into any kind of Object.
ListSelection.Listener A generic interface to respond to changes in selection that doesn't require including a particular GUI toolkit.
ObservableElementList.Connector<E> An interface defining the methods required for registering and unregistering change listeners on list elements within an ObservableElementList.
SeparatorList.Separator<E> A separator heading the elements of a group.
SequenceList.Sequencer<E> A Sequencer defines the logic required to calculate the previous and next sequence values given any value.
TextFilterable An item that can be compared to a list of filters to see if it matches.
TextFilterator<E> An interface through which a list of Strings for a given object can be extracted for testing whether a filter matches.
ThresholdList.Evaluator<E> Provide an integer value for a given Object in a ThresholdList.
UndoRedoSupport.Edit Provides an easy interface to undo/redo a ListEvent in its entirety.
UndoRedoSupport.Listener Implementations of this Listener interface should be registered with an UndoRedoSupport object via UndoRedoSupport.addUndoSupportListener(com.levigo.util.base.glazedlists.UndoRedoSupport.Listener).

Class Summary
AbstractEventList<E> A convenience class that implements common functionality for all EventLists.
BasicEventList<E> An EventList that wraps any simple List, such as ArrayList or LinkedList.
CollectionList<S,E> A list that acts like a tree in that it contains child elements to nodes contained in another list.
CompositeList<E> An EventList composed of multiple source EventLists.
DebugList<E> DebugList is meant to be used as a drop-in replacement for BasicEventList at the root of pipelines of EventLists during development.
FilterList<E> An EventList that shows a subset of the elements of a source EventList.
FreezableList<E> An EventList that shows the current contents of its source EventList.
FunctionList<S,E> This List is meant to simplify the task of transforming each element of a source list to an element stored at the same index in this FunctionList.
GlazedLists A factory for creating all sorts of objects to be used with Glazed Lists.
GroupingList<E> A grouping list contains elements which are themselves Lists.
ListSelection<E> A class to provide index-based selection features.
ObservableElementList<E> A list that fires update events whenever elements are modified in place.
PopularityList<E> An EventList that shows the unique elements from its source EventList ordered by the frequency of their appearance.
RangeList<E> This EventList shows values from a continuous range of indices from a source EventList.
SeparatorList<E> A list that adds separator objects before each group of elements.
SequenceList<E> A SequenceList contains values in adjacent indices which occur at predictable intervals from each other.
Sequencers A factory for creating Sequencers.
SortedList<E> An EventList that shows its source EventList in sorted order.
ThresholdList<E> An EventList that shows a range of the elements of the source EventList.
TransactionList<E> A list transformation that presents traditional transaction semantics.
TransformedList<S,E> A convenience class for EventLists that decorate another EventList.
UndoRedoSupport<E> UndoRedoSupport, as the name suggests, will provide generic support for undoing and redoing groups of changes to an EventList.
UniqueList<E> An EventList that shows the unique elements from its source EventList.

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