Class ListSelection<E>

  extended by com.levigo.util.base.glazedlists.ListSelection<E>
All Implemented Interfaces:
ListEventListener<E>, EventListener

public class ListSelection<E>
extends Object
implements ListEventListener<E>

A class to provide index-based selection features. This class maintains two lists derived from a single EventList:

This design is intended to allow the sharing of selection logic between all supported GUI toolkits as well as being available for use in non-GUI applications and for index-based filtering.

Warning: This class is thread ready but not thread safe. See EventList for an example of thread safe code.

Kevin Maltby

Nested Class Summary
static interface ListSelection.Listener
          A generic interface to respond to changes in selection that doesn't require including a particular GUI toolkit.
Field Summary
          A selection mode where any element may be selected and elements added adjacent to selected elements are selected.
          A selection mode where any element may be selected and freshly added elements are always deselected.
          A selection mode where at most one range of elements may be selected at one time.
          A selection mode where at most one element may be selected at one time.
Constructor Summary
ListSelection(EventList<E> source)
          Creates a new ListSelection that listens to changes on the given source.
ListSelection(EventList<E> source, int[] initialSelection)
          Creates a new ListSelection that listens to changes on the given source and initializes selection with the given array of indices.
Method Summary
 void addSelectionListener(ListSelection.Listener selectionListener)
          Register a Listener that will be notified when selection is changed.
 void addValidSelectionMatcher(Matcher<E> validSelectionMatcher)
          Add a matcher which decides when source elements are valid for selection.
 void deselect(int index)
          Deselects the element at the given index.
 void deselect(int[] indices)
          Deselects all of the elements in the given array of indices.
 void deselect(int start, int end)
          Deselects all of the elements within the given range.
 void deselectAll()
          Deselect all elements.
 void dispose()
          Disposes of this ListSelection freeing up it's resources for garbage collection.
 int getAnchorSelectionIndex()
          Return the anchor of the current selection.
 EventList<E> getDeselected()
          Gets an EventList that contains only deselected values add modifies the source list on mutation.
 int getLeadSelectionIndex()
          Return the lead of the current selection.
 int getMaxSelectionIndex()
          Returns the last selected index or -1 if nothing is selected.
 int getMinSelectionIndex()
          Returns the first selected index or -1 if nothing is selected.
 EventList<E> getSelected()
          Gets an EventList that contains only selected values and modifies the source list on mutation.
 int getSelectionMode()
          Returns the current selection mode.
 EventList<E> getSource()
          Get the EventList that selection is being managed for.
 EventList<E> getTogglingDeselected()
          Gets an EventList that contains only deselected values and modifies the selection state on mutation.
 EventList<E> getTogglingSelected()
          Gets an EventList that contains only selected values and modifies the selection state on mutation.
 void invertSelection()
          Inverts the current selection.
 boolean isSelected(int sourceIndex)
          Returns whether or not the item with the given source index is selected.
 void listChanged(ListEvent<E> listChanges)
          Handle changes to the source list by adjusting our selection state and the contents of the selected and deselected lists.
 void removeSelectionListener(ListSelection.Listener selectionListener)
          Remove a Listener so that it will no longer be notified when selection changes.
 void removeValidSelectionMatcher(Matcher<E> validSelectionMatcher)
          Remove a matcher which decides when source elements are valid for selection.
 boolean select(Collection<E> values)
          Select all of the specified values.
 int select(E value)
          Select the specified element, if it exists.
 void select(int index)
          Selects the element at the given index.
 void select(int[] indices)
          Selects all of the elements in the given array of indices.
 void select(int start, int end)
          Selects all of the elements within the given range.
 void selectAll()
          Selects all elements.
 void setAnchorSelectionIndex(int anchorSelectionIndex)
          Set the anchor selection index.
 void setLeadSelectionIndex(int leadSelectionIndex)
          Set the lead selection index.
 void setSelection(int index)
          Sets the selection to be only the element at the given index.
 void setSelection(int[] indices)
          Sets the selection to be only the element in the given array of indices.
 void setSelection(int start, int end)
          Sets the selection to be only elements within the given range.
 void setSelectionMode(int selectionMode)
          Set the selection mode.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int SINGLE_SELECTION
A selection mode where at most one element may be selected at one time. For convenience, this value equals ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION
A selection mode where at most one range of elements may be selected at one time. For convenience, this value equals ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION
A selection mode where any element may be selected and elements added adjacent to selected elements are selected. For convenience, this value equals ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


A selection mode where any element may be selected and freshly added elements are always deselected. No equivalent policy exists in ListSelectionModel

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ListSelection(EventList<E> source)
Creates a new ListSelection that listens to changes on the given source. When using this constructor, all elements are deselected by default.


public ListSelection(EventList<E> source,
                     int[] initialSelection)
Creates a new ListSelection that listens to changes on the given source and initializes selection with the given array of indices.

Method Detail


public void listChanged(ListEvent<E> listChanges)
Handle changes to the source list by adjusting our selection state and the contents of the selected and deselected lists.

Specified by:
listChanged in interface ListEventListener<E>


public void addValidSelectionMatcher(Matcher<E> validSelectionMatcher)
Add a matcher which decides when source elements are valid for selection.

validSelectionMatcher - returns true if a source elements can be selected; false otherwise


public void removeValidSelectionMatcher(Matcher<E> validSelectionMatcher)
Remove a matcher which decides when source elements are valid for selection.

validSelectionMatcher - returns true if a source elements can be selected; false otherwise


public EventList<E> getSelected()
Gets an EventList that contains only selected values and modifies the source list on mutation. Adding and removing items from this list performs the same operation on the source list.


public EventList<E> getTogglingSelected()
Gets an EventList that contains only selected values and modifies the selection state on mutation.

Adding an item to this list selects it and removing an item deselects it. If an item not in the source list is added an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. This list does not support the set method.


public EventList<E> getDeselected()
Gets an EventList that contains only deselected values add modifies the source list on mutation. Adding and removing items from this list performs the same operation on the source list.


public EventList<E> getTogglingDeselected()
Gets an EventList that contains only deselected values and modifies the selection state on mutation.

Adding an item to this list deselects it and removing an item selects it. If an item not in the source list is added an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. This list does not support the set method.


public EventList<E> getSource()
Get the EventList that selection is being managed for.


public void invertSelection()
Inverts the current selection.


public boolean isSelected(int sourceIndex)
Returns whether or not the item with the given source index is selected.


public void deselect(int index)
Deselects the element at the given index.


public void deselect(int start,
                     int end)
Deselects all of the elements within the given range.


public void deselect(int[] indices)
Deselects all of the elements in the given array of indices. The array must contain indices in sorted, ascending order.


public void deselectAll()
Deselect all elements.


public void select(int index)
Selects the element at the given index.


public void select(int start,
                   int end)
Selects all of the elements within the given range.


public void select(int[] indices)
Selects all of the elements in the given array of indices. The array must contain indices in sorted, ascending order.


public int select(E value)
Select the specified element, if it exists.

the index of the newly selected element, or -1 if no element was found.


public boolean select(Collection<E> values)
Select all of the specified values.

true if the selection changed as a result of the call.


public void selectAll()
Selects all elements.


public void setSelection(int index)
Sets the selection to be only the element at the given index. If the given index is -1, the selection will be cleared.


public void setSelection(int start,
                         int end)
Sets the selection to be only elements within the given range. If the endpoints of the range are -1, the selection will be cleared.


public void setSelection(int[] indices)
Sets the selection to be only the element in the given array of indices. Unlike setSelection(int) and setSelection(int,int), providing a value of -1 is an error. The array must contain indices in sorted, ascending order.


public int getAnchorSelectionIndex()
Return the anchor of the current selection.


public void setAnchorSelectionIndex(int anchorSelectionIndex)
Set the anchor selection index.


public int getLeadSelectionIndex()
Return the lead of the current selection.


public void setLeadSelectionIndex(int leadSelectionIndex)
Set the lead selection index.


public void setSelectionMode(int selectionMode)
Set the selection mode.


public int getSelectionMode()
Returns the current selection mode.


public int getMinSelectionIndex()
Returns the first selected index or -1 if nothing is selected.


public int getMaxSelectionIndex()
Returns the last selected index or -1 if nothing is selected.


public void addSelectionListener(ListSelection.Listener selectionListener)
Register a Listener that will be notified when selection is changed.


public void removeSelectionListener(ListSelection.Listener selectionListener)
Remove a Listener so that it will no longer be notified when selection changes.


public void dispose()
Disposes of this ListSelection freeing up it's resources for garbage collection. It is an error to use a ListSelection after dispose() has been called.

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