Package com.levigo.jadice.document.render

Interface Summary
DecorationRenderer An interface for classes which provides page decorations.
InventoryRenderSettingsListener This interface is for receiving change events whenever a RenderSettings object, which supports change event propagation, within a RenderControlInventory have been changed.
RenderControls A specialized type of ProcessingControls providing easy and fast access to the most commonly used ProcessingSettings.
RenderSettings A ProcessingSettings type which focus various aspects of rendering.
RenderSettingsListener This interface is for receiving change events whenever a RenderSettings object, which supports change event propagation, within a RenderControls have been changed.
ThumbnailProvider Classes implementing ThumbnailProvider interface are responsible to provide a thumbnail image for a specific page this ThumbnailProvider realization is associated to.

Class Summary
AbstractListenableRenderSettings Abstract base class for render settings which supports a listener mechanism to provide render setting changes.
AbstractPageRenderer An abstract base class to render the contents of a page into any valid Graphics2D.
BaseRenderSettings The BaseRenderSettings, as their name implies, control the most fundamental properties of a rendering. in particular, they include geometry, layering and clipping.
BasicRenderParameters A base class used to provide several parameters for rendering purposes.
DefaultRenderControls An realization of RenderControls to be used as base class providing easy and fast access to the most commonly used ProcessingSettings.
DefaultThumbnailProvider The default implementation for the ThumbnailProvider.
ImageRenderSettings A ProcessingSettings type which controls various aspects of the image rendering process like desaturation, gradation or image filtering.
InventoryRenderSettingsEvent This event gets delivered whenever a RenderSettings, which supports the propagation of changes, has been changed in a RenderControlInventory.
PageImageRenderer PageImageRenderer provides an easy possibility to obtain a buffered image which displays a defined area of a page or an entire Page.
PageRenderer Provides the ability to render the contents of a page into any valid Graphics2D.
RenderControlInventory Implementations of RenderControlInventory handle document and page specific render controls belonging to a certain document instance.
RenderSettingsEvent This event gets delivered whenever a RenderSettings property change happen.
TextRenderSettings A ProcessingSettings type which controls various aspects of the text rendering process like anti-aliasing or font render mode.

Enum Summary
BaseRenderSettings.Clipping An enumeration describing what kind of clipping is applied before rendering a part of the model (which usually starts at the page level).
BaseRenderSettings.Rotation An enumeration of type safe rotation values.
FilterType A FilterType enum for defining certain downscale filters to apply.
TextRenderSettings.AntiAliasingMode An enum for a type anti aliasing value type.
TextRenderSettings.FontRenderMode An enum for a type safe font render mode value type.

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