Interface ProcessingControls<T extends ProcessingSettings>

All Known Subinterfaces:
ReaderControls, RenderControls, WriterControls
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractProcessingControls, DefaultReaderControls, DefaultRenderControls, DefaultWriterControls

public interface ProcessingControls<T extends ProcessingSettings>

ProcessingControls bundle a set of ProcessingSettings. While each instance of ProcessingSettings controls an aspect of the processing, ProcessingControls allows several aspects to be controlled using just one object.

ProcessingControls provide access to individual ProcessingSettings based on the class of settings.

Method Summary
 void clearSettings(Class<? extends T> c)
          Clear the settings of the given class.
 ProcessingControls<T> createSnapshot()
          Creates a snapshot copy of this render control object.
<S extends T>
getSettings(Class<S> c)
          Return a particular instance of ProcessingSettings selected by its class.

Method Detail


void clearSettings(Class<? extends T> c)
Clear the settings of the given class.

c - the class of settings to clear.


<S extends T> S getSettings(Class<S> c)
Return a particular instance of ProcessingSettings selected by its class.

c - the class of settings to get.
an instance of ProcessingSettings of the given class.


ProcessingControls<T> createSnapshot()
Creates a snapshot copy of this render control object. The snapshot must constitute a deep copy, so that changes to the copied object don't affect snapshots.

a snapshot copy of this render control instance

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