All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractControl |
AbstractEnforcingRule<R> |
AbstractHTMLNodeVisitor |
Visitor pattern that handles the HTML DOM node traversal.
AbstractMSWorker<N extends Node> |
AbstractReaper<O> |
AbstractRenderableVisitor |
Visitor pattern that handles the renderable collection traversal.
AbstractToXMLNode |
A Node to convert a stream to XML.
AbstractUnArchiveNode |
AbstractUnArchiveWorker<T extends AbstractUnArchiveNode> |
AddImagesExceedingPageDimToAttachmentsProcessor |
This processor takes care of replacing all the image html nodes which overflow the pdf document's width with a
<span>{placeholderText}</span> placeholder.
AddImagesToAttachmentsProcessor |
This processor takes care of replacing all the image html nodes with a <span>{placeholderText}</span>
AddressContextBuilder |
Adler32Adapter |
AgentContext |
AnonymousUser |
Holds the constants that are used for the anonymous usage of jadice server.
AntPatternArchiveEntryFilter |
Filters file entries depending on the provided filter rules (ant pattern).
ArchiveEntryFilter |
Instances of classes that implement this interface are used to filter archives in order to decide
if archive entries shall be extracted or not.
AttachmentCoverCreator |
Creates cover pages for single email attachments.
AttachmentDirectory |
A directory that contains hierarchical information about the attachments of an email.
AttachmentDirectoryFactory |
BaseReshapeSettings |
BeanDefinitionElement |
BMPOutputDevice |
BMPOutputDevice.BMPType |
This enum determines the type of BMP that is generated.
BufferedStreamBundle |
Extends StreamBundle for usage of BufferManager and BufferManagerDynamicPipe
BundledStream |
ByteBufferBackedInputStream |
ByteBufferBackedInputStream implementation as proposed in
CharsetUtils |
ChecksumLookup |
Utility class to generate a MessageDigest with the given algorithm name because CRC32 and
Adler32 are not cryptographic digests (and therefore not available via
MessageDigest.getInstance(String) but sufficient for checksum generation.
Chunk |
CIDReplacementResult |
ClearableDocumentLayerCache |
A DocumentLayerCache which can be cleared so that no DocumentLayer s will
be cached forever.
CobraHTMLRendererWorker |
Render HTML documents to PDF using the Cobra HTML Toolkit.
CommandParser |
CommandParser.Callback |
CommandReceiver |
CommandReceiver.ResultHandler |
Commands |
CommandSender<C extends CommandReceiver> |
CommunicationSide |
The communication side specifies a participant within the asymmetric jadice
server model.
CompositeDocumentProcessor |
This class serves as a wrapper of a DocumentProcessor collection and propagates calls to the process method
of instances in its combined collection.
CompositeEfficiencyRecorder |
ConfigurationException |
An exception indicating a problem with a job's configuration or with the
configuration of the job's node graph.
ConfigurationException |
Connection |
Represents the connection between to Node s identified by a given key.
ConnectionException |
This exception indicates that a problem with the underlying communication
layer has occurred.
ConsoleForwarder |
ContentStore |
ContextBuilderUtil |
CRC32Adapter |
CredentialInjectionConnectionFactoryWrapper |
CredentialInjectionQueueConnectionFactoryWrapper |
CredentialInjectionTopicConnectionFactoryWrapper |
Credentials |
DTO that carries a user name and the associated password credentials.
Csv2XlsxNode |
This node allows to convert csv files into xlsx files for further conversion via MS Office or LibreOffice.
Csv2XlsxWorker |
This worker allows to convert csv files into xlsx files for further conversion via MS or
DefaultExecutionStrategyFactory |
DefaultExecutionStrategyFactory.Type |
DefaultMultipartRelatedHandler |
This is the default internal implementation that is used for providing the multipart/related stream processing.
DefaultReshapeListener |
DefaultStreamResolverFactory |
DefaultStreamTransportFactory |
DemoteFatalToErrorLoggerFilter |
This class provides the filter which demotes log messages from FATAL to ERROR.
DemultiplexerNode |
The DemultiplexerNode merges a set of input stream bundles into a single
output stream bundle.
DemultiplexerWorker |
Document |
DocumentPrintNode |
This Node is used to print out documents via the Java™ Print Service API.
DocumentPrintNode.OutputReferenceBase |
The reference base specifies what is used as the basic area of the printed output on the paper
as well as how scaling/fitting/rotation- optimization is performed.
DocumentPrintWorker |
DocumentProcessor |
Interceptor to perform a Document modification before the shaping process is performed.
DocumentProcessor.ProcessingPhase |
The different processing phases of the reshaping process in which the DocumentProcessor
will be called.
DomTree2JobConfigurator |
DoubleDimension2D |
Serves as a lightweight Dimension2D implementation.
DummyNode |
A node which does nothing, except forwarding all streams and, optionally,
taking a configurable nap after each stream.
DummyWorker |
This worker forwards every Stream it receives and takes a configurable nap after each
Stream .
DupeDetection |
A utility to avoid that a message is processed several times if the mailing
system delivers it several times.
DupeDetection.Mode |
Possible modes how to handle the dupe detection.
DynamicPipe |
DynamicPipelineNode |
The DynamicPipelineNode tries to build a dynamic workflow pipeline with the
goal of converting whatever stream is presented to it into a common output
DynamicPipelineNode.UnhandledInputAction |
A choice of possible actions to take upon encountering an input stream of
an unknown/unhandled type.
DynamicPipelineWorker |
EfficiencyRecorder |
EmailAddressContextBuilder |
EmbedAttachmentsNode |
This node embeds streams as attachments into a given PDF documents.
EmbedAttachmentsNode.MissingAttachmentsHandlingMode |
Determine which action shall be performed when there is no stream available that can be embedded.
EmbedAttachmentsWorker |
EncodingDetectionUtil |
EncodingPreservingStreamReader |
This stream reader is used to read single and double byte encoded input streams and additionally sets the correct
Byte Order.
EncodingPreservingStreamWriter |
This stream writer is used to write single and double byte encoded input streams and additionally sets the correct
Byte Order.
Encodings |
EnhancedPDFDocumentHandler |
A handler that allows to interrupt FOP's writing process so that the
CobraHtml2FopRenderer can render into the same
pdf document
ErrorRelay |
Configuration for an SMTP server used to relay error messages.
Exclusion |
ExecutionStrategy |
This interface represents the strategy how the NodeWorker s will be executed.
ExecutionStrategyFactory |
ExportConfiguration |
ExportFilter |
ExportFilter |
ExportFormat |
ExtendedXStream |
Our own specialization of XStream that uses built-in converters as we like it.
ExternalProcessCallNode |
Calls an external program that is used to convert streams.
ExternalProcessCallWorker |
Calls an external process in order to convert Stream s.
ExternalProcessReaper |
A reaper that can terminate external processes by force.
ExternalProcessReaper.PIDGroup |
ExternalProcessReaper.UnixPIDGroup |
ExternalProcessReaper.WindowsPIDGroup |
Fail |
Special RuntimeException used by the fail method to cause the thread to fall out into
the outer loop.
FAXOutputDevice |
FAXOutputDevice.FAXType |
This enum determines the type of FAX that is generated.
FileDTO |
FileService |
This bean provides the REST service retrieve and store documents.
FitImageBoundsProcessor |
Font |
FontLookupBean |
Format |
Format |
FormatConfiguration |
FormatConfiguration.LoggingEventHandler |
Ghostscript |
Bridging object between jadice server and the command line API of ghostscript.
GhostscriptNode |
GhostscriptNode.OutputMode |
Enum controlling how output data streams are generated.
GhostscriptNode.PaperSize |
GhostscriptWorker |
GSOption |
HeaderConstants |
Contains header fields that are written in the result or error mails by
jadice server to avoid that jadice server processes theses message if
somebody sends them back.
HierarchyResolver |
A StreamResolver which searches the stream hierarchy upwards for a
resolver which knows about streams it is asked for.
HostnameSetter |
HTML2TextNode |
This Node tries to extract plain text from given HTML document streams.
HTML2TextWorker |
HTMLConversionHandler |
HTMLImageElementCollector |
HTMLImageElementVisitor |
HtmlOffsetInserter |
HTMLPostLayoutProcessor |
HTMLPostReadProcessor |
HTMLPreLayoutProcessor |
HtmlProcessingUtil |
HTMLProcessorMessages |
HTMLRendererNode |
This node renders HTML pages into other formats.
HTMLRendererNode.PageSize |
Predefined values for the size of the resulting PDF document
IDocumentInfo |
IFPainterProxy |
IllegalXMLCharFilter |
The SanityCheckFilter makes sure that the document about to be formatted will not break the
ImageLineBI |
ImageLineBI.BufferedImage2PngAdapter |
ImageLineBI.Png2BufferedImageAdapter |
ImageLineSetBI |
ImageMagick |
Bridging object between jadice server and the command line api of ImageMagick.
ImageMagickConvertNode |
ImageMagickConvertWorker |
ImageOutputDevice |
This class subsumes all options shared by OutputDevice s generating
raster images.
IMAPAgent |
IMAPPickupConfiguration |
InstantMessengerContextBuilder |
JacksonContextResolver |
Provides a Jackson ObjectMapper that serializes XMLGregorianCalendar not as unix time stamps
but as XML time stamps.
JadiceCacheReaper |
Reaper class that attempts to clean the jadice global cache in a fixed interval to reduce memory
JadiceDocumentInfo |
JadiceDocumentInfoNode |
This Node is used to gain information about a document.
JadiceDocumentInfoNode.UnhandledFormatAction |
Possible action when a given document cannot be analyzed because its format is unknown or not
supported by the jadice document platform.
JadiceDocumentInfoWorker |
JadiceServer |
This class is the central entry point to the jadice server system.
JadiceServerControl |
JadiceServerException |
JadiceServerInfoNode |
This Node retrieves information about jadice server and its execution
JadiceServerInfoWorker |
JavaLoggingForwarder |
JavamailInputNode |
A Node used to fetch data from a JavaMail compatible message store.
JavamailInputWorker |
A worker used to fetch data from JavaMail supported message stores.
JMSJobExecutionContext |
JMSJobFactory |
JobFactory implementation using the Java Messaging Service API (JMS).
JMSJobFactoryProvider |
After restarting the connected jadice server instance the current instance of JMSJobFactory cannot be used
JmsMarshaller |
JMSRequestEndpoint |
JMSTransportSender |
A JMS based TransportSender implementation.
JmsXStreamMarshallerFactory |
JMXContext |
JNDIConnectionFactory |
As some MOM recommend not to create a ConnectionFactory directly but to retrieve one via
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), this class wraps all the lookup handling.
Job |
A job represents the unit-of-work for the jadice server system.
Job.State |
The different states a job can have.
JobConfiguration |
JobConfigurator |
JobConfiguratorLocaleUtil |
This class is a utility class for applying the clientLocale property from SOAP job requests to the job that shall be
JobConfiguratorMsgPriorityUtil |
JobConverter |
JobDefinitionDTO |
Definition of a Job that shall be executed
JobException |
This class forms the base of the job-related exception hierarchy.
JobExecutionContext |
The JobExecutionContext is the abstraction layer which bundles all actions that the
server can trigger on the client side part of a Job and the communication layer which
transports these actions.
JobExecutionException |
An exception indicating a problem during the execution of a job.
JobFactory |
A factory used to create instances of Job .
JobInformationDTO |
Collection of all information that have been generated while the execution of a Job .
JobInvocationService |
JobInvocationServiceImpl |
Web Service implementation for jadice server.
JobListener |
Interface to be implemented by clients wishing to receive asynchronous
notifications about job progress and/or warnings.
JobListenerAdapter |
JobResult |
This class represents the response of a SOAP message, when a job is done.
JobResult.Log |
JobResult.Log.Level |
JobResult.ResultStatus |
JobScheduler |
A JobScheduler is responsible for receiving and scheduling job execution requests.
JobService |
This bean provides the REST service to submit a Job to jadice server,
retrieve its state afterwards.
JobStateRecorder |
JobTimeout |
An exception indicating a job-related problem due to a timeout.
JPEGOutputDevice |
An OutputDevice generating JPEG images.
JPEGOutputDevice.JPEGType |
This enum determines the type of JPEG that is generated.
LaserJet4OutputDevice |
The LaserJet4OutputDevice generates HP PCL, a graphic language understood by many recent laser
LibreOfficeConversionNode |
A node using LibreOffice for document conversion processing.
LibreOfficeConversionWorker |
LibreOfficeInstancePool |
LibreOfficeOption |
Limit |
A Limit represents a configuration element used to restrict the way in which a Job (or
rather its Nodes and Workers) is allowed to run.
Limit.WhenExceedAction |
Possible actions to take when the limit has been exceeded.
LimitEnforcingRule |
LimitExceeded |
An exception indicating that a limit has been exceeded.
Limits |
This class acts as a convenient container for a set of Limit s.
LimitSupport |
Utility class to check easily and performantly if Limit s were hit or not.
LogEntryDTO |
Definition of a log entry
LogEntryDTO.Level |
The severity of the log entry
LogForwarder |
Logger that forwards log events to the calling client that is associated to the
given WorkerController (i.e.
LoggerMultiplexer |
Logger that multiplexes log events, i.e.
LoopbackInvocation |
"Marker" class used to indicate a pipeline loopback into the invoking dynamic
MailBodyConverter |
MailBodyConverterUtil |
MailBodyCreationContext |
MailBodyCreatorNode |
This Node tries to create the title page for an email that contains the most important
information of the mail header (To, From, CC, subject, ...) and a list of all attachments of this
mail (see AttachmentDirectory ).
MailBodyCreatorNode.HtmlProcessingMode |
The possible options to handle images in the html body when performing email conversions.
MailBodyCreatorWorker |
A worker that renders the body part of an email and also creates a title page that contains the most important
information of this email (i.e.
MailDateTime |
Utility class to format a date in RFC 2822 date syntax (e.g.
MailHTMLBodyConverter |
MailPlainTextBodyConverter |
MailRTFBodyConverter |
MakeLongLinesBreakableFilter |
The SanityCheckFilter makes sure that the document about to be formatted will
not break the formatter.
ManagedObjectPool<K,O> |
A generic keyed pool that exposes all management functions and some statistical data via JMX.
MapiPropsExtractorUtil |
Utility class for extracting MAPI properties from JNEF Message streams.
MessageInspector |
Utility to inspect JMS Message s.
MessageInspector.Direction |
Signalizes the direction of the JMS Message s.
MessageMonitor |
MessageMonitorFeature |
Installs the MessageMonitor and its corresponding Interceptor s as a Feature .
MessageRejection |
Exception that is thrown if the routing script decides to reject a Message .
MessageRFC822Node |
MessageRFC822Worker |
Messages |
MessageTransaction |
The transaction defines the context of an incoming
message .
MessageTransaction.Reason |
Reasons for denying the Transaction.
MimeMessageUtil |
Utility class for assembling and validating mime message contents.
MimeType |
MimicMultipartAlternativeRelatedHandler |
Mimics the multipart/alternative handling
MimicryThrowable |
A Throwable used to mimic arbitrary Throwables for serialization
MonitorInInterceptor |
MonitorOutInterceptor |
MSExcelConverter |
MSExcelNode |
This Node uses Microsoft Office Excel to convert an excel worksheet with a virtual
printer or by native file export (only MS Office 2007 and above).
MSExcelNode.EmptyWorkbookHandlingMode |
The mode how empty excel files should be handled.
MSExcelWorker |
MSOfficeConverterPool |
MSOfficeStartupException |
This exception will be thrown when the startup of an MS Office instance did not work correctly.
MSOInstanceAssassin |
An assassin that can force kill dangling (MS Office) processes.
MSOutlookConverter |
MSOutlookNode |
This Node uses Microsoft Office Outlook to open an Outlook Message file and forwards
the message body (might be plain text, HTML oder RTF)
objects embedded in the message body
optional attachments
to the subsequent Node s.
MSOutlookWorker |
MSPowerpointConverter |
MSPowerpointNode |
This Node uses Microsoft Office PowerPoint to convert a presentation file with a virtual
printer or by native file export (only MS Office 2007 and above).
MSPowerpointWorker |
MSProjectConverter |
MSProjectNode |
This Node uses Microsoft Project to convert an MS Project developing plan with native
file export (only MS Office 2010/2013).
MSProjectNode.View |
The different views that can be exported from MS Project.
MSProjectWorker |
MSVisioConverter |
MSVisioNode |
This Node uses Microsoft Office Visio to convert an MS Visio drawing with a virtual
printer or by native file export (only MS Office 2007 and above).
MSVisioWorker |
MSWordConverter |
MSWordNode |
This Node uses Microsoft Office Word to convert an MS Word document with a virtual
printer or by native file export (only MS Office 2007 and above).
MSWordNode.WdOpenFormat |
Specifies which file converter MS Word will use to open the document.
The enum constant names and their javadoc descriptions are as defined in the MS Word COM
interface and the MSDN library.
MSWordWorker |
MultipartAlternativeNode |
MultipartAlternativeWorker |
MultipartAppleDoubleNode |
MultipartAppleDoubleWorker |
MultipartEncryptedNode |
MultipartEncryptedWorker |
MultipartMixedNode |
MultipartMixedWorker |
MultipartRelatedHandler |
MultipartRelatedHandlerResult |
This is a result object of the multipart/related stream handling logic.
MultipartRelatedNode |
MultipartRelatedWorker |
MultipartSignedNode |
MultipartSignedWorker |
Multiplex |
Multiplex |
MultiplexerNode |
This Node multiplexes an input stream bundle into a set of output
MultiplexerWorker |
Corresponding worker for the multiplexer node.
MultiVMInstanceControl |
MVMInstance |
MVMPoolManager |
NativeExport |
Node |
Nodes represent vertices of the processing node graph.
Node.Cardinality |
Cardinality enum for input/output bundles.
NodeConverter |
NodeCountLimit |
A Limit restricting the number of Node s that can be created at most at one job.
NodeInvocation |
NodeProvider |
NodeSecurityExpressionRoot |
NodeSecurityExpressionRoot.DontMatchException |
NodeTraversal |
Utility class to traverse a node graph and let a visitor see all nodes in the
NodeVisitor<T extends Throwable> |
A NodeVisitor may consume a "flattened" version of the node graph.
NodeWorker<N extends Node> |
A NodeWorker is the server-side counterpart of a Node .
NodeWorkerFactory |
NodeWorkerFactory.WorkerBeanDefinitionParser |
NodeWorkerFactory.WorkerNamespaceHandler |
NotesContextBuilder |
NotificationNode |
A Node that notifies the client about every Stream that
passes through it.
NotificationNode.NotificationListener |
The listener that's notified when a Stream passes through this
NotificationWorker |
NullDigest |
NullDupeDetection |
NullNode |
This Node discards all data it receives.
NullWorker |
The null worker just discards all data it receives.
OLEExtractorNode |
A Node the extracts any OLE objects that are embedded within an MS
Office document.
OLEExtractorWorker |
Orientation |
OSXFilter |
Filters file entries from the folder __MACOSX that contains the "Resource Bundle
OutputDevice |
PageCountLimit |
A Limit restricting the maximum number of pages within a generated document.
PageFormat |
PageNumberDecoratorProcessor |
PageNumberDecoratorProcessor.HorizontalAlignment |
PageNumberDecoratorProcessor.VerticalAlignment |
PageNumberDecoratorProcessor.ZPosition |
PageRange |
DTO for defining a range of pages to be converted.
PageSetup |
PageSizeConformityDocumentProcessor |
This document processor adjusts the page dimensions that are required by the implementation limit
defined in ISO 32000-1, Annex C.2 .
PageSizeConformityDocumentProcessor.InterventionMode |
Enum controlling how to intervene when a page page doesn't conform to the required 3pt x 3pt minimum dimensions.
PageToImageNode |
This worker converts the pages of a document into images defined by the target image format.
PageToImageNode.Format |
Available image target formats.
PageToImageWorker |
This worker converts the pages of a document into images of a defined target format.
Paper |
Paragraph |
PDFAnnotationRemoverNode |
This Node removes embedded PDF annotations from a given PDF document.
PDFAnnotationRemoverWorker |
PDFCompositeNode |
This Node composites a set of input PDF documents into a single output PDF document by
layering the documents' contents atop of each other.
PDFCompositeNode.HorizontalAlignment |
Specifies on which horizontal side the overlaid PDFs are aligned.
PDFCompositeNode.Order |
Specifies in which order incoming Stream s will be layered.
PDFCompositeNode.VerticalAlignment |
Specifies on which vertical side the overlaid PDFs are aligned.
PDFCompositeWorker |
PDFDecryptNode |
This Node removes encryption flags from PDF documents.
PDFDecryptWorker |
Decrypts PDF documents using specified implementation.
PDFDocumentProxyFactory |
PDFExportFormat |
PDFExportFormat.Changes |
Specifies the change allowed to the document.
PDFExportFormat.FormsType |
Specifies the submitted format of a PDF form.
PDFExportFormat.InitialView |
Specifies how the PDF document should be displayed when opened.
PDFExportFormat.Magnification |
Specifies the action to be performed when the PDF document is opened.
PDFExportFormat.PageLayout |
Specifies the page layout to be used when the document is opened.
PDFExportFormat.PDFVersion |
PDFExportFormat.Printing |
Specifies what printing is allowed.
PDFExportFormat.ViewSelection |
Specifies the way the exported PDF will be viewed (experienced) by the
PDFImageOptimizationNode |
A node for optimizing the size of a PDF with embedded images.
PDFImageOptimizationNode.PageSize |
Predefined values for the size of the resulting PDF document.
PDFImageOptimizationWorker |
A worker for optimizing the size of a PDF with embedded images.
PDFMatcher |
A Matcher for PDF documents .
PDFMergeNode |
This Node merges a set of input PDF documents into a single output document containing
all pages of the input document in order.
PDFMergeWorker |
Merges a set of input PDF documents to one single PDF document.
PDFMetadataNode |
This Node modifies meta data in PDF documents.
PDFMetadataWorker |
Modifies meta data in PDF documents.
PDFOutputDevice |
PDFOutputDevice.AutoRotate |
PDFOutputDevice.DownsampleType |
PDFOutputDevice.ProcessColorModel |
PDFOutputDevice.Version |
The version of PDF to generate.
PDFRotationNode |
Rotates the pages of a given PDF document.
PDFRotationNode.Rotation |
The rotation the resulting PDF pages shall have
PDFRotationWorker |
PDFSplitNode |
This Node splits PDF documents into a set of output documents containing only one page.
PDFSplitWorker |
PhotoContextBuilder |
PIDHelper |
Helper class to find all PIDs for a given Converter.
Pipeline |
Pipeline |
PipelineBuilder |
PlaintextToXMLNode |
A Node that converts plain text (for instance from text files or
plaintext mails to XML)
PlaintextToXMLWorker |
PNGOutputDevice |
PNGOutputDevice.PNGType |
This enum determines the type of PNG that is generated.
PngWriterBI |
PNMOutputDevice |
PNMOutputDevice.PNMType |
This enum determines the type of PNM that is generated.
PortableCollectionDisassemblingNode |
This Node disassembles a PDF document that contains a portable collection (also known as
"Portfolio") into separate Stream s.
PortableCollectionDisassemblingNode.MissingAttachmentsHandlingMode |
Determine which action shall be performed when there is no embedded stream available that can be extracted.
PortableCollectionDisassemblingWorker |
ProcessIdPropagation |
ProcessingContext |
The processing context object is a container object that is handed over to the different HTMLProcessor
ProcessingState |
The state of a resource that gets processed, i.e.
ProductInformation |
The ProductInformation class just serves as a means to collect version information
from the Jadice system and build informations.
PropertiesLogNode |
This node allows to define job properties that are printed out in the server's log messages.
PropertiesLogWorker |
Property |
This class defines the xml schema for a property.
PropertyInterpolator |
PSOutputDevice |
The PSOutputDevice generates PostScript or Encapsulated PostScript.
PXLOutputDevice |
The PXLOutputDevice generates HP PCL-XL, a graphic language understood by
many recent laser printers.
QualifiedAccessDeniedException |
QualifiedAuthenticationException |
QualifiedLogEventReceiver |
QualifiedLogForwarder |
RecipientData |
Instances of this class contain all the recipient data that can be extracted from a given JNEF message.
RecipientData.Attribute |
Instead of creating a fixed structure here, we create a mapping of "attribute"-names to their
mapi key counterparts.
RecipientData.RecipientType |
Recorder<E> |
RejectBase64Filter |
The SanityCheckFilter makes sure that the document about to be formatted will
not break the formatter.
RemoveIllegalXmlCharsWriter |
A HierarchicalStreamWriter which removes any character which is not legal in XML
RenderableHTMLImageElementCollector |
RenderableImageElementVisitor |
RendererFactoryProxy |
RendererProxy |
RequestEndpoint<C extends JobExecutionContext> |
A RequestEndpoint is an abstraction layer of a input channel through which Job s
be submitted to jadice server.
RequestProxy |
Proxy that decides which real HttpRequest implementation will be triggered due to the
given URL and the flag if external http resources are allowed.
ReshapeControls |
ReshapeListener |
Instances can be registered on a ReshapeWorker to be informed about the
progress of the rendering / reshaping process.
ReshapeListener.Context |
The context of the reshaping process in which the listener methods are invoked.
ReshapeNode |
A node used to apply document format conversions and other processing using the
jadice document platform.
ReshapeNode.AnnotationMimeTypes |
As it is not possible to determine an annotation type automatically, its MIME type must be
provided in the annotation's StreamDescriptor .
ReshapeNode.OutputMode |
Enum controlling when and how output data streams are generated.
ReshapeReadListener |
ReshapeReadListener.EventContext |
ReshapeReadListenerBridge |
ReshapeWorker |
RFC2387MultipartRelatedHandler |
The default implementation used to handle multipart/related messages.
RoleEnforcingRule |
RouterNode |
This node can be used as simple but powerful way of dynamically routing or filtering
Stream s on server side to the different successor Node s depending on the streams'
meta data.
RouterNode.RoutingPolicy |
Routing policy if several rules evaluate to true for a given stream.
RouterWorker |
RTFConversionHandler |
Provides the API for rtf conversion handler implementations.
RTFOffsetInserter |
This class offers the possibility to insert a start offset into rtf contents meaning that the rendered content starts
beneath this inital offset.
RtfStringReplacer |
This class offers the possibility to replace certain strings in a rtf document between a defined start-tag and end-tag.
RtfStringReplacer.Mode |
Rule |
RuleBeanDefinitionParser |
Ruleset |
ScriptNode |
The ScriptNode allows a server-side script to be used to control stream
ScriptWorker |
Section |
SecuredNodeWorkerFactory |
A NodeWorkerFactory that considers the credentials that are provided in the given job
SecurityNamespaceHandler |
Defines that NamespaceHandler for security.xml
Referenced by core/src/main/resources -> META-Inf/spring.handlers
SelfRegistering |
Marker interface for JMX Beans that register themselves at the JMXContext .
SeparatorPageNode |
The SeparatorPageNode interleaves the streams passing through it with
generated pages which can be used as separator pages in an aggregated
document etc.
SeparatorPageNode.SeparatorPlacement |
SeparatorPageWorker |
Corresponding worker for the separator page node.
ServerJob |
The server-side representation of a Job is responsible for the management of the job
ServerStatistics |
ServerVersion |
SharedLocaleUtil |
This class is a utility class for applying the clientLocale property from job requests to the job that shall be
ShutdownWatchdog |
An instance of this class has the task to watch out for ContextClosedEvents of an ApplicationContext.
SignatureFilter |
SimpleContentStore |
SimpleTemplateRepository |
A simple implementation of a TemplateRepository that lists all the
Job Templates that are stored as XML files in a given directory
SingleFieldDefaultInfoExtractor |
SMTPAgent |
SMTPRelay |
Definition of an SMTP server that allows jadice server to
send outgoing Message s.
Stream |
A Stream encapsulates a SeekableInputStream along with an associated
StreamDescriptor .
Stream |
StreamAnalysisNode |
This Node analyzes a stream's content and tries to find out the content's MIME type with
the jadice filetype analyzer.
StreamAnalysisWorker |
StreamBundle |
StreamCountLimit |
A Limit restricting the maximum number of streams routed through stream bundles to which
the limit applies.
StreamDescriptor |
StreamDescriptor.ContextMap |
StreamDescriptor.PropertyMap |
Simple extension of HashMap to accommodate for a more readable
toString() output.
StreamDescriptorMarshaller |
StreamInputNode |
A Node that takes InputStream s from the client side and makes them available on
the server.
StreamInputWorker |
StreamListener |
A listener interface to be implemented by classes wishing to be notified
about the availability of a new Stream .
StreamLogger |
StreamOutputNode |
A Node for making the result Stream s available on the client side.
StreamOutputWorker |
StreamResolver |
StreamResolverFactory |
StreamScriptContext |
Scripts executed on a per stream basis (e.g.
StreamSizeLimit |
A Limit restricting the maximum size of Stream s to which the limit applies.
StreamTransportException |
Indicates an error that happened on the transport of a Stream .
StreamTransportFactory |
A StreamTransportFactory is responsible for the creation of stream transports
to be used for client-server streaming communication.
StreamUtils |
Utility methods for handling Stream s.
StreamWorker<T extends Node> |
A special kind of NodeWorker which performs its work on a single
stream at a time only.
StyleConfiguration |
SubPipeline |
In oder to start a dynamic sub pipeline on server side during a running job this builder class
can start some more nodes and workers on behalf of another node.
SystemPropertySetter |
Class used in conjunction with the spring-based configuration in order to
inject system properties from a spring XML configuration file.
Target |
TasklistUtil |
Utility class that finds all running processes with the given name by using
microsoft's command line until "tasklist.exe".
TelephoneNumberContextBuilder |
TempFileReaper |
The TempFileReaper is responsible for the removal of temporary files left over by a job.
TemplateListDTO |
A Collection of all job templates that can be used for a Job .
TemplateRepository |
TemplateService |
This bean provides the REST service to retrieve a list of all available job templates
and to retrieve a single job template.
TextStatistics |
Utility class for computing a histogram of the bytes seen in a stream.
ThreadPoolJobScheduler |
ThreadReaper |
TIFFMergeNode |
This node merges n single- or multi-page TIFF streams into a single multi-page TIFF
TIFFMergeWorker |
TIFFOutputDevice |
TIFFOutputDevice.TIFFType |
This enum determines the type of TIFF that is generated.
TIFFSplitNode |
This node splits multi-page TIFFs into separate single-page TIFF streams.
TIFFSplitWorker |
TimeLimit |
A Limit restricting maximum running time of Job s or Node s to which it
TimeRecorder |
Utility class to record duration statistics.
TNEFNode |
This Node converts TNEF files (i.e.
TNEFNode.InputFormat |
Formats this node work handle
TNEFWorker |
TraceListener |
Implementation of a JobListener that will forward all incoming server messages to the
client log (using levigo logging facade).
TransformerLoggingForwarder |
TransportAbortedException |
Exception type used to abort a job because of an asynchronous closure of the message producer.
TransportException |
Indicates an error that happened on the transport of an object.
TypeMatch |
A match for a single mime-type.
UnFlowFilter |
UnGZIPNode |
A Node uncompressed GZIP streams it encounters.
UnGZIPWorker |
UniversalEncodingDetector |
UnQuoteFilter |
UnRARNode |
A Node used to un-RAR the data contained in the input streams, i.e.
UnRARWorker |
UnRARWorker.InputStreamReadOnlyAccess |
Bridge used to provide the interface used by JunRAR.
UnSevenZIPNode |
This Node decompresses 7-Zip archive file contained in the input Stream s.
UnSevenZIPWorker |
UnTARNode |
A Node used to untar the data contained in the input streams, i.e.
UnTARWorker |
UnZIPNode |
This Node e unzips the data contained in the input Stream s.
UnZIPWorker |
URLInputNode |
A Node that requests the server to download files from the specified URL and pass
them to a subsequent processing workflow.
URLInputWorker |
URLOutputNode |
This Node writes out incoming streams the specified URL.
URLOutputNode.StreamListener |
This listener will be informed whenever a Stream has been successfully written
on the server side.
URLOutputWorker |
UserNamePasswordHandler |
A class to handle username and password for a webservice request.
Util |
Useful utility methods.
Util |
Utils |
UUIDGenerator |
A generator for UUIDs
UUIDGenerator.Mode |
The mode how the the UUIDs shall be generated.
Vcf2HtmlNode |
This node allows to convert vcf files into html files.
Vcf2HtmlWorker |
Worker that converts vcf data to html via velocity templating.
VMInstanceWatchog |
WorkerController<N extends Node> |
Using this interface, Workers can hand over some control over their execution
to other classes.
WorkingDirectory |
This class represents the working directory where jadice server can store temporary files
for working with them.
XmlTemplate2JobConfigurator |
XRechnung2PdfNode |
XRechnung2PdfWorker |
XRechnungEventListener |
XSLFOFormatterNode |
A Node that uses a XSL-FO processor ( Apache
FOP) to render an XML input stream.
XSLFOFormatterWorker |
XSLTransformationNode |
A Node that performs an XSL transformation (XML to XML) with any incoming Stream .
XSLTransformationWorker |
XSLTransformerPool |
XStreamFactory |
ZIPNode |
A node used to package all incoming stream bundles into a ZIP archive.
ZIPWorker |