Class RFC2387MultipartRelatedHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RFC2387MultipartRelatedHandler
    extends Object
    implements MultipartRelatedHandler
    The default implementation used to handle multipart/related messages. This logic is based on the RFC 2387 and the rules described in that particular RFC.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RFC2387MultipartRelatedHandler

        public RFC2387MultipartRelatedHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • handleMultipartRelated

        public MultipartRelatedHandlerResult handleMultipartRelated​(Stream stream,
                                                                    javax.mail.Multipart m,
                                                                    NodeWorker nodeWorker)
                                                             throws javax.mail.MessagingException
        Description copied from interface: MultipartRelatedHandler
        Processes the multipart/related stream.
        Specified by:
        handleMultipartRelated in interface MultipartRelatedHandler
        stream - the provided multipart/related stream.
        m - the mail multipart object that is extracted from the stream.
        nodeWorker - the worker calling this handler. Used for executing functions in the context of the worker (e.g. warn())
        javax.mail.MessagingException - if a mail object related exception occurs.