Class AttachmentDirectory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AttachmentDirectory
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    A directory that contains hierarchical information about the attachments of an email. Its purpose is to create an XML stream that can be embedded into the cover page of a converted email.

    All streams — the whole attachments overview, file containers (e.g. zip files) and single files — are all represented by a single instance of this class, but only real physical files (that means all but the whole attachment overview) also contain the reference the StreamDescriptor that is associated with the file each AttachmentDirectory object represents.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static String PROPERTY_KEY
    • Constructor Detail

      • AttachmentDirectory

        public AttachmentDirectory()
        Constructor for the email root
      • AttachmentDirectory

        public AttachmentDirectory​(StreamDescriptor descriptor,
                                   int pageIndex)
        Constructor for a file or a file container (e.g. ZIP file)
        descriptor - The file's StreamDescriptor
        pageIndex - the index on which page this file is located (or -1 if counting was not possible / required)
    • Method Detail

      • getFilename

        public String getFilename()
        The filename of the file represented by this object.
      • getType

        public String getType()
        The MIME type of the file represented by this object.
        the MIME type of the file represented by this object
      • getPageIndex

        public int getPageIndex()
        The index on which page this attachment is located (i.e. the sum of all 'previous' pages + 1). Can be -1 if attachment counting was not possible / performed.
      • getSubDirectories

        public List<AttachmentDirectory> getSubDirectories()
        Contains an unmodifiable view of all files that are contained in the file that is represented by this object here. (Only not empty if $this represents the root of the mail or is a file container like a ZIP file)
        the subDirectories
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        true iff there are not files contained inside the file that is represented by this object. false iff this represents a single file.
      • addHierarchy

        public void addHierarchy​(Stack<StreamDescriptor> stack,
                                 int pageIndex)
        Add another hierarchy of "files containing files" into this AttachmentDirectory here. The topmost element from the stack must also be the topmost element in the hierarchy. All sub-hierarchies (-> subfolders) will be generated automatically. If the stack contains the StreamDescriptor that is associated with this object, all elements above in the stack will be ignored.
        stack - contains a path to the file to insert in the attachment hierarchy
        pageIndex - the index of the file to insert. Value -1 indicates that page counting either not required or not possible