Class BaseReshapeSettings

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.levigo.jadice.document.MaybeSerializableProcessingSettings, com.levigo.jadice.document.ProcessingSettings, Serializable

    public class BaseReshapeSettings
    extends Object
    implements com.levigo.jadice.document.ProcessingSettings
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseReshapeSettings

        public BaseReshapeSettings()
    • Method Detail

      • getPageSelection

        public int[] getPageSelection()
        Shaping option for page range selection. The value should be an array of int which are the page numbers to convert. The page number expected page numbers are 0 -based.
        0-based page selection or null
      • setPageSelection

        public void setPageSelection​(int[] pageSelection)
        Shaping option for page range selection. The value should be an array of int which are the page numbers to convert. The page number expected page numbers are 0 -based.
        pageSelection - the 0-based page selection or null to reset the selection (select all pages)
      • setPageRotation

        public void setPageRotation​(int pageIndex,
                                    org.jadice.util.base.geometry.QuadrantRotation rotation)
        Specify the rotation for a page, identified by index. The pageIndex specified is the index after applying the page selection.

        with a page selection of 4,5,7, and a page rotation for pageIndex=1, will rotate the second page of the document. The second page is, based on the page selection, page 5 in the original document.

        pageIndex - the page index after applying the page selection
        rotation - rotation to apply
        IllegalArgumentException - if either pageIndex is a negative value or rotation is null
        jadice server
      • getPageRotation

        public org.jadice.util.base.geometry.QuadrantRotation getPageRotation​(int pageIndex)
        Get the rotation for a page at the given pageIndex. The pageIndex is relative to the page selection. If no explicit rotation has been specified, the default value will be returned (QuadrantRotation.ROT_000).
        pageIndex - the index of the page to receive the
        the specified rotation or the default rotation if no custom rotation has been specified
        jadice server
      • hasPageRotation

        public boolean hasPageRotation​(int pageIndex)
        Checks whether a custom page rotation has been specified for the given pageIndex.
        pageIndex - the index of the page to check for
        true if a page rotation has been specified. false otherwise.
        jadice server
      • hasCustomPageRotations

        public boolean hasCustomPageRotations()
        Checks if there are custom page rotations specified. This method will check whether there have been any non zero page rotations applied
        true if there are any customized page rotations other that QuadrantRotation.ROT_000
        jadice server
      • setStreamRenderingEnabled

        public void setStreamRenderingEnabled​(String streamUUID,
                                              boolean enabled)
        If a stream shall be loaded into a jadice document but not be rendered, it can be disabled specifying its UUID. The purpose of this method is to retrieve the page format.
        streamUUID - The stream's UUID
        enabled - if true the stream will be rendered, if false it will not be rendered.
        See Also:
      • isStreamRenderingEnabled

        public boolean isStreamRenderingEnabled​(String streamUUID)
        Determine if a stream shall be rendered or not.
        streamUUID - The streams UUID
        true if the stream shall be rendered, false if not rendered (but loaded)
      • isImageRepackingAllowed

        public boolean isImageRepackingAllowed()
        Determine if it is allowed to repack the image.
        true if it is allowed to repack the image, otherwise false.
      • setImageRepackingAllowed

        public void setImageRepackingAllowed​(boolean imageRepackingAllowed)
        Determine whether image repacking shall be allowed or not.
        imageRepackingAllowed - true if it is allowed to repack the image, otherwise false.
      • createSnapshot

        public BaseReshapeSettings createSnapshot()
        Specified by:
        createSnapshot in interface com.levigo.jadice.document.MaybeSerializableProcessingSettings
        Specified by:
        createSnapshot in interface com.levigo.jadice.document.ProcessingSettings