Class SubPipeline

    • Method Detail

      • forParent

        public static SubPipeline forParent​(NodeWorker<?> parent)
        Start the creation of a sub pipeline
        parent - the sub pipeline will be created on behalf of this Node
        a new sub pipeline builder (fluent style API)
      • startWith

        public SubPipeline startWith​(StreamBundle input,
                                     Node firstChild)
        The sub pipeline shall start at the given Node and will be feed with data through the given StreamBundle. Calling this method if mandatory.
        input - The StreamBundle that feeds the sub pipeline with data which already must be complete.
        firstChild - The first Node of the sub pipeline
        the SubPipeline builder itself (fluent style API)
      • endWith

        public SubPipeline endWith​(Node lastChild,
                                   StreamBundle output)
        The sub pipeline shall end at the given Node and shall provide its processed data through the given StreamBundle. Calling this method if mandatory.
        lastChild - the last Node of the sub pipeline
        output - The resulting Streams of the sub pipeline shall be provided here
        the SubPipeline builder itself (fluent style API)
      • inheritLimits

        public SubPipeline inheritLimits()
        Call the method if all Nodes of the sub pipeline shall inherit the Limits of the parent Node. Calling this method if optional.
        the SubPipeline builder itself (fluent style API)
      • start

        public void start()
                   throws ConfigurationException
        Creates and starts the sub pipeline. This builder must not be re-used after the start of the sub pipeline has happened.
        ConfigurationException - if preconditions were not met.