Interface ServerJob

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ServerJob
    extends Runnable
    The server-side representation of a Job is responsible for the management of the job execution.
    • Method Detail

      • abort

        void abort()
        Cancel this Job.
      • getClientJob

        Job getClientJob()
        Returns the associated client Job this ServerJob is associated with
        the associated client Job
      • processingFailed

        void processingFailed​(NodeWorker<?> worker,
                              org.jadice.util.log.qualified.QualifiedLogEvent message)
        Handle a processing failure, possibly pertaining to a particular node and worker. Calling this method will ultimately abort the job.
        worker - The worker that caused the failure
        message - Reason of the failure
      • warning

        void warning​(NodeWorker<?> worker,
                     org.jadice.util.log.qualified.QualifiedLogEvent message)
        Propagate a warning, possibly pertaining to a particular node and worker.
        worker - The worker that caused the warning
        message - Reason of the warning
      • error

        void error​(NodeWorker<?> worker,
                   org.jadice.util.log.qualified.QualifiedLogEvent message)
        Propagate a non-fatal, possibly pertaining to a particular node and worker.
        worker - The worker that caused the error
        message - Reason of the error
      • startWorkers

        void startWorkers​(Collection<NodeWorker<?>> workers)
        Start worker threads for a given sub-pipeline.
        workers - the NodeWorker instances to start
      • getServerTempDir

        File getServerTempDir()
        Get the temporary directory jadice server uses. This method is only relevant for certain cases. The usual way to create temporary files is via method getTempDir().
        the temporary directory jadice server uses.
        jadice server
        See Also:
      • announceSubPipelineCreation

        void announceSubPipelineCreation​(Node parent,
                                         Set<? extends Node> createdNodes)
        Propagate that new Nodes were created in a sub-pipeline on behalf of another node.
        parent - The node that triggered the creation
        createdNodes - The nodes that were created.
      • getAge

        long getAge()
        Calculate the age of this job, i.e. the time since it has been started
        The age in ms