Package com.levigo.util.swing.table

Interface Summary
AppendableTableModel The AppendableTableModel represents a TableModel which allows the entry of new data.

Class Summary
EntryTableModel The EntryTableModel provides a single-row model in order to allow the addition of a single row to an existing table which is defined by a master table model.
JTableFormatter A utility class that helps with JTable formatting, such as adjusting the column widths to their optimal value.
JTableRowHeader This is the object which manages the header of the JTable.
SortableJTable A base implementation for sortable JTables.
SortButtonRenderer Button that's used in a table header to indicate sorting order and priority.
SunTableSorter TableSorter is a decorator for TableModels; adding sorting functionality to a supplied TableModel.
TableRowHeaderUI BasicTableHeaderUI implementation
TableSorter Allows to sort tables.

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