Package com.levigo.util.concurrent.tasks

Interface Summary
CancelableTask<R> Tasks implementing this interface are able to cancel their activity upon external request.
Task<R> Interface to be implemented by classes providing some kind of functionality that is supposed to be executed asynchronously by a TaskExecutor.
TaskExecutor<R> TaskExecutors provide execution services for Tasks.
TaskListener By implementing this interface and attaching the listener to - for example - TaskService.addTaskListener(TaskListener), interested parties can receive notification about what is going on inside a TaskService.
TaskScope<R> A TaskScope defines a common unit of management for tasks sharing a common goal or purpose.
TaskService A TaskService provides functionality to execute and manage background tasks.

Class Summary
AbstractTask<R> An abstract implementation of a Task which manages task identity using a key object supplied at construction time.
DefaultExecutorManager A default implementation of ExecutorManager.
QueuedAndActiveTaskThreadPoolExecutor An enhancement of the ThreadPoolExecutor which provides access to the queued and active Tasks and their TaskWrappers.
TaskView This small GUI utility panel provides a visual representation of what is going on inside a TaskService.
ThreadPoolTaskService A TaskService implementation which makes use of a ThreadPoolExecutor to execute tasks on a number of background threads.

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