Package com.levigo.util.base.glazedlists.matchers

Implementations and classes useful for creating implementations of MatcherEditor/Matchers for use with FilterLists.


Interface Summary
Matcher<E> Determines which values should be filtered.
MatcherEditor<E> A facility for modifying the Matchers which specify the behaviour of a FilterList.
MatcherEditor.Listener<E> A MatcherEditor.Listener handles changes fired by a MatcherEditor.

Class Summary
AbstractMatcherEditor<E> Basic building block for MatcherEditor implementations that handles the details of dealing with registered MatcherEditor.Listeners.
CompositeMatcherEditor<E> A MatcherEditor composed of zero or more delegate MatcherEditors.
MatcherEditor.Event<E> A MatcherEditor event models a change in the MatcherEditor that creates a new Matcher.
Matchers A factory for creating Matchers.
RangeMatcherEditor<D extends Comparable,E> A MatcherEditor that produces Matchers which match Objects if they lie within a range of Comparables.
SearchEngineTextMatcherEditor<E> A MatcherEditor that matches Objects against search text in a format similiar to search engines.
SearchEngineTextMatcherEditor.Field<E> A Field object contains information specific to a given field found within the Objects being text matched.
TextMatcherEditor<E> A matcher editor that matches Objects that contain a filter text string.
ThreadedMatcherEditor<E> A MatcherEditor which decorates a source MatcherEditor with functionality.
ThresholdMatcherEditor<E,T> A MatcherEditor that filters elements based on whether they are greater than or less than a threshold.

Package com.levigo.util.base.glazedlists.matchers Description

Implementations and classes useful for creating implementations of MatcherEditor/Matchers for use with FilterLists.

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