Package com.levigo.jadice.swing.tool

Interface Summary
ModifierActivated An interface to be used for tools (and other components) which are activated using some combination of keyboard modifier(s) and/or mouse button(s).
ToolActivationPolicy The ToolActivationPolicy is tasked by ToolManager with the election of a Tool to be activated in a given situation.

Class Summary
DecorationTool This tool is used to apply page decorations.
DefaultToolActivationPolicy A simple and naive tool activation policy activating the first electable tool (if there is one) and electing the first feedback to be provided.
PopupMenuTool A Tool implementation which allows to display context menus on a ViewComponent.
RenderParameters This is a parameter object class used for calls to Tool.render(RenderParameters,boolean).
Tool This abstract class must be sub-classed in order to contribute additional functionality to page-visualization components like the PageView, or the ThumbnailView.
Tool.ActivationRequest This class describes an auto-activation request issued by a tool in response to an event.
ToolActivationPolicy.ActivationCandidate The ActivationCandidate is used to communicate possible candidates for Tool auto activation along with their Tool.ActivationRequests.

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