Package com.levigo.jadice.swing.pageview

Interface Summary
Prefetcher An interface to be implemented by classes which are able to pre-fetch page contents in response to a page change.
PresentationRule Note to implementors: you will most likely not want to directly implement this interface, but extend AbstractPresentationRule instead.
SelectionProvider An interface to be implemented by classes (usually descendants of Tool) which provide some kind of selection.

Class Summary
AreaSelectionTool A Tool used to select rectangular areas within a page.
GalleryNavigationTool A navigation tool in the style used by some web galleries.
GalleryNavigationToolComponentAddon FIXME: document the properties, refer component documentation here.
JadiceBackgroundIcon This class has been automatically generated using Flamingo SVG transcoder.
KeyboardNavigationTool This tool enables page turning using PageUp/PageDown and CursorUp/CursorDown for PageView.Layout.PAGE and PageView.Layout.SPREAD.
MouseWheelTool The MouseWheelTool is responsible for the page-level navigation using the mouse wheel.
MouseWheelZoomTool A Tool used to enable zooming using the mouse wheel.
PageView Displays a Document's Pages using instances of PageLayout to arrange them.
PageViewSettings An implementation RenderSettings pertaining and particular to the rendering within PageViews.
PanTool A tool supporting panning (moving the visible area) using the mouse.
PresentationRuleManager The PresentationRuleManager is responsible for the delegation of events occurring on a managed PageView to PresentationRules.

Enum Summary
PageView.Layout These layout style constants define a set of well-known page layout styles.

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