Package com.levigo.jadice.swing.dnd

Interface Summary
ExportHandler<S> Implementations of this interface are responsible for turning a selection (usually of pages presented within a ViewComponent) into a representation suitable for Drag & Drop or Copy/Cut & Paste transfer.
ImportHandler ImportHandlers are responsible for the import of transfer data from representations suitable for Drag&Drop or Copy/Cut&Paste transfer.

Class Summary
CompositeExportHandler<S> An ExportHandler encompassing a set of delegate ExportHandlers.
CompositeImportHandler An ImportHandler encompassing a set of delegate ImportHandlers.
ExportParameters A parameter object used to convey relevant context information to ExportHandlers.
ImportParameters A parameter object used to convey relevant context information to ImportHandlers.
RasterizedSelectionExportHandler An ExportHandler implementation to export the given Selection as a rasterized image.
SelectedTextExportHandler An ExportHandler implementation to export the text out of a Selection.

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