Package com.levigo.jadice.document.util

Interface Summary
PropertiesProvider An interface to be implemented by classes providing a map of properties associated with the instances of those classes.

Class Summary
ControlCurve This class represents a curve defined by a sequence of control points.
FloatDimension A float-based extension of Dimension2D, because there is none in the JDK RT library.
GradationCurve This class represents a gradation curve which can be used to map pixel intensity values to rendered intensities.
GraphicsEnvironment GraphicsEnvironment is a utility class to provide different informations about the graphics environment.
ImmutableMimeType This is an immutable variant of the MimeType class.
JadicePreferenceHolder A singleton with the sole job of keeping and providing an easy access to registered preferences required by the jadice viewer or other applications, which embed the viewer.
NaturalCubicSpline1D A ControlCurve implementation based on a cubic spline.
SystemEnvironment SystemEnvironment is a utility class to provide different informations about the system environment.

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