
Class Summary
ByteArrayBuffer A ByteArrayBuffer buffers bytes but is not bound to a fixed capacity like arrays.
ByteUtils some helpful utils for byte handling
CarbonCopyStream A SeekableInputStream delegating all read operations to the stream given at construction time.
ConcatenatedInputStream ConcatenatedInputStream is a small class giving the ability to concatenate InputStreams to a new big one.
FileCacheInputStream An concrete SeekableInputStream which works by caching the data in a temporary file.
FileStreamProvider A Provider which may be used to access a local file.
HTTPRangeRequestStream A SeekableInputStream which uses HTTP Range Requests as specified in RFC7233 in order to provide efficient random access to resources available through a range-request-capable HTTP server.
MemoryInputStream A SeekableInputStream which decorates a plain InputStream with seekability by using an in-memory cache.
RandomAccessFileInputStream An Implementation of the SeekableInputStream which is based on a locally accessible file.
SeekableInputStream This class defines an extended InputStream which is seekable.
SubfileSeekableInputStream A wrapper for a SeekableInputStream which is able to provide a view of a specific part of the wrapped stream.
UncloseableSeekableInputStream A SeekableInputStream implementation which ignores any calls of the UncloseableSeekableInputStream.close() method and delegates everything else to its delegate stream.
UncloseableSubfileSeekableInputStream A SubfileSeekableInputStream implementation which can ignore UncloseableSubfileSeekableInputStream.close() method calls.

Exception Summary

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