Class IntraDOCPDataFlavor

  extended by java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
      extended by com.levigo.jadice.document.flavor.IntraDOCPDataFlavor
All Implemented Interfaces:
Externalizable, Serializable, Cloneable

public class IntraDOCPDataFlavor
extends DataFlavor

A DataFlavor used for moving or copying Pages across jadice application running in different JVMs.

This flavor keeps track from which JVM it was created so that the receiving side can decide if it will support this flavor or not. Due to some JVM internal issues this must information is coded into the MIME type so that this flavor has no fixed MIME type.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          The prefix of the MIME type.
protected static UUID JVM_ID
protected static char SEPARATOR
static String VERSION
          The current version of the protocol for intra DOCP transfer.
Fields inherited from class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
imageFlavor, javaFileListFlavor, javaJVMLocalObjectMimeType, javaRemoteObjectMimeType, javaSerializedObjectMimeType, plainTextFlavor, stringFlavor
Method Summary
static IntraDOCPDataFlavor get()
static String getVersion(DataFlavor flavor)
          Returns the version number of the given flavor.
static boolean isFromSameJVM(DataFlavor flavor)
          Checks if the given flavor is an IntraDOCPDataFlavor from the same JVM.
static boolean isIntraDOCPDataFlavor(DataFlavor flavor)
          Checks if the given flavor is an IntraDOCPDataFlavor.
Methods inherited from class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
clone, equals, equals, equals, getDefaultRepresentationClass, getDefaultRepresentationClassAsString, getHumanPresentableName, getMimeType, getParameter, getPrimaryType, getReaderForText, getRepresentationClass, getSubType, getTextPlainUnicodeFlavor, hashCode, isFlavorJavaFileListType, isFlavorRemoteObjectType, isFlavorSerializedObjectType, isFlavorTextType, isMimeTypeEqual, isMimeTypeEqual, isMimeTypeSerializedObject, isRepresentationClassByteBuffer, isRepresentationClassCharBuffer, isRepresentationClassInputStream, isRepresentationClassReader, isRepresentationClassRemote, isRepresentationClassSerializable, match, normalizeMimeType, normalizeMimeTypeParameter, readExternal, selectBestTextFlavor, setHumanPresentableName, toString, tryToLoadClass, writeExternal
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String INTRA_DOCP_MIME_TYPE_PREFIX
The prefix of the MIME type. Additional information about the JVM instance and the version of the transfer protocol are added at runtime

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String VERSION
The current version of the protocol for intra DOCP transfer. This value might change in the future so that the internal transfer mechanism can ensure backward compatibility if it exchanges data with a prior version.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final char SEPARATOR
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final UUID JVM_ID
Method Detail


public static IntraDOCPDataFlavor get()
the IntraDOCPDataFlavor for the current JVM instance.


public static boolean isIntraDOCPDataFlavor(DataFlavor flavor)
Checks if the given flavor is an IntraDOCPDataFlavor.

flavor - the DataFlavor to check.
true iff the given flavor is an IntraDOCPDataFlavor.


public static boolean isFromSameJVM(DataFlavor flavor)
Checks if the given flavor is an IntraDOCPDataFlavor from the same JVM.

flavor - the DataFlavor to check
true iff the given flaovr is an IntraDOCPDataFlavor from the same JVM.


public static String getVersion(DataFlavor flavor)
Returns the version number of the given flavor. This is used to ensure backward compatibility with prior versions if the internal transfer protocol might change in the future

flavor - the DataFlavor from which to retrieve the version
the version number or null if given flavor is no IntraDOCPDataFlavor.
See Also:

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