Class KeyBindingsTool

  extended by com.levigo.jadice.swing.tool.Tool
      extended by com.levigo.jadice.appbase.tool.KeyBindingsTool
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class KeyBindingsTool
extends Tool

A Tool which allows to map key strokes occurring on a ViewComponent to specific Actions. Its intention is to provide an easy way to set up key bindings integrating with the Tool API's flexibility.

Note that, naturally, this Tool can only react on key events occurring on the ViewComponent it is registered for.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.levigo.jadice.swing.tool.Tool
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.levigo.jadice.swing.tool.Tool
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Action getKeyBindingAction(KeyStroke ks)
          Retrieve the Action currently mapped to the given KeyStroke.
protected  void handleKeyPressed(KeyEditEvent e, boolean isActive)
          Invoked when a key has been pressed.
 void putKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks, Action action)
          Instruct this tool to react upon the given KeyStroke by executing the given Action.
 Action removeKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks)
          Remove the given KeyStroke's mapping to an Action.
Methods inherited from class com.levigo.jadice.swing.tool.Tool
contribute, getActivationFeedback, getActivationRequest, getActivationRequestForKeyPressed, getActivationRequestForMouseDragged, getActivationRequestForMousePressed, getCursor, getDispatchPriority, getManager, getRenderPriority, handleEditEvent, handleKeyReleased, handleKeyTyped, handleMouseClicked, handleMouseDragged, handleMouseEntered, handleMouseExited, handleMouseMoved, handleMousePressed, handleMouseReleased, handleMouseWheelMoved, propagatePropertyChange, render, setActive, setCursor, setEnabled, setManager, setStatusFeedback
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public KeyBindingsTool()
Method Detail


protected void handleKeyPressed(KeyEditEvent e,
                                boolean isActive)
Description copied from class: Tool
Invoked when a key has been pressed. See the class description for KeyEvent for a definition of a key pressed event.

handleKeyPressed in class Tool
isActive - whether this tool is currently active


public void putKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks,
                                    Action action)
Instruct this tool to react upon the given KeyStroke by executing the given Action.

ks - the KeyStroke to be used as execution trigger
action - the Action to be executed


public Action removeKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks)
Remove the given KeyStroke's mapping to an Action. After calling this method, this Tool will no longer react upon the given KeyStroke (until some other key binding is created using putKeyBinding(KeyStroke, Action)).

ks - KeyStroke to remove the mapping for
the Action that used to be triggered by the KeyStroke, but now has been removed. Returns null if no Action was bound to the given KeyStroke.


public Action getKeyBindingAction(KeyStroke ks)
Retrieve the Action currently mapped to the given KeyStroke.

ks - KeyStroke to get the associated action for
the Action that is executed whenever the given KeyStroke occurs

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