Class PathAnnotation

  extended by com.levigo.jadice.annotation.Annotation
      extended by com.levigo.jadice.annotation.ShapeBasedAnnotation
          extended by com.levigo.jadice.annotation.PathAnnotation
All Implemented Interfaces:
PermissionsProvider<Annotation>, PropertiesProvider, MementoOriginator, Cloneable

public class PathAnnotation
extends ShapeBasedAnnotation

An annotation mostly drawn using the mouse pointer.

Field Summary
protected  Path2D path
Fields inherited from class com.levigo.jadice.annotation.ShapeBasedAnnotation
allowResize, fillColor, filled, iconified, linePainted, lineWidth, strokeColor, strokeResolution
Fields inherited from class com.levigo.jadice.annotation.Annotation
createdAt, createdBy, doFireAnnotationEvents, id, initializer, isModified, lastModifiedAt, lastModifiedBy
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addPoint(Point2D p)
          Add given point to the current path.
 Annotation clone()
 void close()
protected  void copyAttributesTo(Annotation annotation)
          Copy annotation type related attributes to new annotation.
 Rectangle2D getBounds()
          Returns an integer Rectanglethat completely encloses the annotation.
 Path2D getPath()
 PathIterator getPathIterator()
 Path2D getShape()
          Shape for render structure
 void setLocation(double x, double y)
          Set the location (upper-left corner) of the annotation to the given point.
 void setPath(Path2D path)
 void setSize(double width, double height)
          Set the size of the annotation to the given size.
 void translate(double dx, double dy)
          Translates this Annotation the indicated distance, to the right along the x coordinate axis, and downward along the y coordinate axis.
 void unclose()
Methods inherited from class com.levigo.jadice.annotation.ShapeBasedAnnotation
createColorWithAlpha, getFillColor, getLineWidth, getStrokeColor, getStrokeResolution, isAllowResize, isFilled, isIconified, isLinePainted, setAllowResize, setFillColor, setFilled, setIconified, setLinePainted, setLineWidth, setStrokeColor, setStrokeResolution
Methods inherited from class com.levigo.jadice.annotation.Annotation
clearModified, createMemento, fireAnnotationChange, getChangeHandler, getCreatedAt, getCreatedBy, getID, getInitializer, getLastModifiedAt, getLastModifiedBy, getModCount, getPermissions, getProperties, getType, initialize, isDoFireAnnotationEvents, isInitialized, isModified, restoreFrom, setChangeHandler, setCreatedBy, setCreationTimestamp, setDoFireAnnotationEvents, setID, setInitializer, setLastModifiedBy, setModified, setModifyTimestamp, setType
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Path2D path
Constructor Detail


public PathAnnotation()
Method Detail


public void setSize(double width,
                    double height)
Description copied from class: Annotation
Set the size of the annotation to the given size. Depending on the type of annotation, this may not be possible. E.g. stamp annotations handle the sizing on their own, so they will refuse to resize themselves. An IllegalArgumentExceptionis thrown in this case. Caveat: it is currently necessary, to force a repaint on the viewer in order to make the results of the modification visible. Moreover there are no modification events fired on the page and document. This will change in the future.

Specified by:
setSize in class Annotation


public Annotation clone()
Specified by:
clone in class Annotation
See Also:


protected void copyAttributesTo(Annotation annotation)
Description copied from class: Annotation
Copy annotation type related attributes to new annotation.

copyAttributesTo in class ShapeBasedAnnotation
annotation - Annotation to set attributes


public PathIterator getPathIterator()


public void addPoint(Point2D p)
Add given point to the current path.

p - Point to add


public Rectangle2D getBounds()
Description copied from class: ShapeBasedAnnotation
Returns an integer Rectanglethat completely encloses the annotation.

Specified by:
getBounds in class ShapeBasedAnnotation
Rectangle annotation bounding box


public Path2D getShape()
Description copied from class: ShapeBasedAnnotation
Shape for render structure

Specified by:
getShape in class ShapeBasedAnnotation


public void translate(double dx,
                      double dy)
Description copied from class: Annotation
Translates this Annotation the indicated distance, to the right along the x coordinate axis, and downward along the y coordinate axis.

Specified by:
translate in class Annotation
dx - the distance to move this Rectangle along the x axis
dy - the distance to move this Rectangle along the y axis


public void setPath(Path2D path)


public Path2D getPath()


public void close()


public void unclose()


public void setLocation(double x,
                        double y)
Description copied from class: ShapeBasedAnnotation
Set the location (upper-left corner) of the annotation to the given point. Caveat: it is currently necessary, to force a repaint on the viewer in order to make the results of the modification visible. Moreover there are no modification events fired on the page and document. This will change in the future.

setLocation in class ShapeBasedAnnotation
x - X-position
y - Y-position

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