Introduction To The jadice® Logging Framework Facade

At the initial release of the new jadice® document platform version 4.1 a new logging framework facade has been introduced.

The new framework will allow easy and straight forward integration of other existing logging frameworks like Log4J or SLF4J. Furthermore by the use of SLF4J it offers an advanced abstraction of various logging systems including JDK 1.4 logging, log4j and logback. If you already use one of the frameworks mentioned and if you want jadice® to use it, too, only a simple classpath modification is necessary.

If no particular logging delegation is available on the classpath, a simple default logging will be used. This simple logging will log any (non-debug) messages onto System.out.

All logging delegates are only required at runtime. Integrating them at compile time is possible but not necessary.

The following pages introduce the logging framework facade and common tasks using it: