Interface JobConfigurator

    • Method Detail

      • configure

        com.levigo.jadice.server.client.internal.DefaultJobInternalImpl configure​(JobConfiguration cfg,
                                                                                  Map<String,​Node> nodes)
                                                                           throws Exception
        This method configures a empty/default job. It should do everything to make the job ready to be submitted for execution, including the creation and configuration of nodes and building the node graph.
        cfg - - The configuration for the job. (In case of using the web service this configuration comes from marshaled SOAP message)
        nodes - A map where the converter can store all nodes that it creates associated by a local ID
        a configured job (but without JobController yet.
        Exception - if the configuration cannot be processed
      • canConfigure

        boolean canConfigure​(JobConfiguration cfg)
        Check if the configuration has enough information for the specific configurator.
        cfg - the configuration for the job
        true, if configuration is possible, false otherwise.