Class CharsetUtils

  • public class CharsetUtils
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • CharsetUtils

        public CharsetUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • isSupported

        public static boolean isSupported​(String charsetName)
        Safely return whether charsetName is supported, without throwing exceptions
        charsetName - Name of charset (can be null)
        true if the character set is supported
      • clean

        public static String clean​(String charsetName)
        Handle various common charset name errors, and return something that will be considered valid (and is normalized)
        charsetName - name of charset to process
        potentially remapped/cleaned up version of charset name
      • forName

        public static Charset forName​(String name)
        Returns Charset impl, if one exists. This method optionally uses ICU4J's CharsetICU.forNameICU, if it is found on the classpath, else only uses JDK's builtin Charset.forName.