DemultiplexerNode |
The DemultiplexerNode merges a set of input stream bundles into a single
output stream bundle.
DynamicPipelineNode |
The DynamicPipelineNode tries to build a dynamic workflow pipeline with the
goal of converting whatever stream is presented to it into a common output
JadiceServerInfoNode |
This Node retrieves information about jadice server and its execution
MultiplexerNode |
This Node multiplexes an input stream bundle into a set of output
PropertiesLogNode |
This node allows to define job properties that are printed out in the server's log messages.
RouterNode |
This node can be used as simple but powerful way of dynamically routing or filtering
Stream s on server side to the different successor Node s depending on the streams'
meta data.
ScriptNode |
The ScriptNode allows a server-side script to be used to control stream
SeparatorPageNode |
The SeparatorPageNode interleaves the streams passing through it with
generated pages which can be used as separator pages in an aggregated
document etc.
StreamInputNode |
A Node that takes InputStream s from the client side and makes them available on
the server.
StreamOutputNode |
A Node for making the result Stream s available on the client side.
URLInputNode |
A Node that requests the server to download files from the specified URL and pass
them to a subsequent processing workflow.
URLOutputNode |
This Node writes out incoming streams the specified URL.