Interface ReshapeListener

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ReshapeListener
    Instances can be registered on a ReshapeWorker to be informed about the progress of the rendering / reshaping process.
    • Method Detail

      • pageStarted

        void pageStarted​(ReshapeListener.Context context,
                         com.levigo.jadice.document.Page page)
        Called each time a reshape process starts reshaping a Page.
        context - the ReshapeListener.Context of this action
        page - the current page being reshaped
      • pageDone

        void pageDone​(ReshapeListener.Context context,
                      com.levigo.jadice.document.Page page)
        Called each time a reshape process successfully finishes reshaping a Page.
        context - the ReshapeListener.Context of this action
        page - the page being reshaped
      • pageFailed

        void pageFailed​(ReshapeListener.Context context,
                        com.levigo.jadice.document.Page page,
                        Exception cause)
        Called each time a reshape process unsuccessfully terminates reshaping a Page.
        context - the ReshapeListener.Context of this action
        page - the page being reshaped
        cause - gives the reason for the unsuccessful termination