Class CommandCreationAdapter

    • Constructor Detail

      • CommandCreationAdapter

        public CommandCreationAdapter()
    • Method Detail

      • creationFailure

        public void creationFailure​(NamedCommandFactory source,
                                    String message,
                                    String key,
                                    Throwable t)
        Description copied from interface: CommandCreationListener
        This method will be called if a failure occurred while command or command factory creation.
        Specified by:
        creationFailure in interface CommandCreationListener
        source - The source object where the failure occurred or null if the command factory could not be created.
        message - A failure description
        key - The key of the problematic command or the name of the problematic command factory
        t - (optional) the occurred Throwable or null
      • creationWarning

        public void creationWarning​(NamedCommandFactory source,
                                    String message,
                                    String key)
        Description copied from interface: CommandCreationListener
        This method will be called if something happens while command creation, which should be notified as a warning indicating a potential problem.
        Specified by:
        creationWarning in interface CommandCreationListener
        source - The source object where the problem occurred.
        message - A problem description
        key - (optional) The key of the problematic command or null
      • creationInformation

        public void creationInformation​(NamedCommandFactory source,
                                        String message,
                                        String key)
        Description copied from interface: CommandCreationListener
        This method will be called when ever informational messages should be provided while a command creation.
        Specified by:
        creationInformation in interface CommandCreationListener
        source - The source object which propagates the information.
        message - A message
        key - (optional) The key of the command or null