Class StyleFontFactory

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • create

        public Font create​(FontAttributeSet fontAttributeSet,
                           Map<String,​Object> scope)
        Description copied from interface: FontFactory
        Supply a Font which fits well for the requested parameters. Care should be taken to provide a fast implementation. This method might be called frequently and from various Threads at the same time. Blocking should be avoided.
        Specified by:
        create in interface FontFactory
        fontAttributeSet - The Attributes the requested font should have. Characteristics like its name or styles.
        scope - Information about this request's scope. This could encompass things like its intent, target, purpose or source.
        a Font deemed appropriate, or null if no such Font is available. Some implementations might be able to return a Font which fits all requested characteristics. Others might have several to choose from or none at all. The Font which is returned doesn't have to fit all of the requested characteristics, or even any at all. It must only be appropriate in the given situation.
        See Also:
      • isMonospaced

        protected boolean isMonospaced​(FontAttributeSet fontAttributeSet)